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Install SageIPTV for Roku

To install our Roku Channel you need to follow the following steps:

- Enable Developer

from the official Roku remote control, tap the following in the exact same order:

  • Home three times, then
  • Up two times, then
  • Right once, then
  • Left once, then
  • Right once, then
  • Left once, then
  • Right once.

The developer mode screen will be displayed. 

The development application installer allows to install our SageIPTV channel. 
To enable the installer,  select 'Enable installer and restart' . 
After your Roku player restarts you can access the installer by visiting your Roku IP.

eg: (Go to settings > Wi-Fi > Network > IP address to find yours)
username: rokudev

You will be asked to accept the SDK license agreement and set a password for the username rokudev to access the Roku installer web page.

- Access the installer:

Go to:  http// (needs to replace it by your own Roku IP address), enter:

username: rokudev

password: xxx (your selected password)

Once connected, Upload this file  to complete the installation of our channel.

Please let us know if you have any questions.